Saint Barbara

St. Barbara the Great Martyr

Santa Barbara (Que Viva Chango)

Visiting the Oratory of Saint Barbara on the Island of Burano 🇮🇹 Venice (where her relics repose) 4K

Fiesta 2021’s St. Barbara unveiled

Holy Monastery of Rousanos - Saint Barbara

Die Heilige Barbara, Schalke und der Bergbau - das steckt dahinter | Wissen auf Schalke

Homily at the Vespers of the Feast of Saint Barbara the Great Martyr

Saint Barbara Paryer | [For strength]

Are you familiar with Saint Barbara?

Italy Firefighters Fly Saint Barbara Statue Over Procession Due to Covid Fears

The Most Brutal Deaths of Saints - Part 1

Saint Barbara, an early martyr of the church. Commemorated Dec. 4th

St. Barbara and how to not die without the Holy Mysteries!

Saint Barbara Parish celebrates centennial milestone

Stories of the Saints Read-Aloud Series: St. Barbara

2019 Saint Barbara Greek Festival

Saint Barbara Patron of the Artillery

Sand animation story of Saint Barbara | by Kseniya Simonova

Saint Barbara Waterfall


B-Roll: U.S. Artillery Marines celebrate St. Barbara's Day

December 4/17, Feast Day of the Holy and Great Martyr Barbara

Paraklesis to St. Barbara - 12/8/2021

The sacred relic of Saint Barbara in Athens